the millennial mom

the millennial mom

Hi, I am the millennial mom, born in 1983, my son, pumpkin jr., born in 2013. I grew up in the midwest in the United States in a mostly white, upper middle-class suburb full of fake grass and fancy cars. Never quite fit, never quite found my fit either. As well as being a mom,…

Femina survey: In the mind of the millennial working mom

The Revelations of a millennial mom: Zaidi, Shabeena: 9789395266192: : Books

5 Tips on How to Successfully Market to Millennial Moms

Millennial parents: What makes them so different?

The Millennial Mom

This Lady has a Great story to SHARE… The Millennial Mom aka Mandy Ndiangisa @mandy_ndlangisa #TheMillenialMom #MandyNdiangisa

New shopping trends: Millennial Moms - Ads

The Millennial Mom Journal


Marketing to Millennial Moms: Key Priorities - Allionce Group