Student opinion: The problems with dress codes taken too far

Student opinion: The problems with dress codes taken too far

For the longest time, clothes have been a way for students to express themselves, showing their interests and their style. But at high schools across the United States, including Yutan High, students aren’t able to do that because the dress codes are either too strict or are enforced more than they should be. While I

The Eye of The Tiger The Dress Code Dilemma

Student opinion: The problems with dress codes taken too far – Chieftain Times

School dress codes reinforce the message that women's bodies are dangerous, Women

Restrictions on self-expression – The Pawprint

Petition · Stop Sending Kids To Detention Over Sweatpants! Stop Student Discrimination. ·

Dress codes are biased against females – The Dispatch

Opinion: Cellphones have taken over our schools, and it's been a disaster for our kids - The Globe and Mail

The Mustang Opinion: How dress codes affect students

Response: 'If They're Learning, I Don't Care What They're Wearing' (Opinion)

Opinion: Campus culture wars are a teachable moment in how freedom of speech and academic freedom differ - The Globe and Mail

School Dress Codes: A First Amendment Breakdown

OPINION: Dress code survey lacks clarity, perpetuates inequality – Manual RedEye