Number and percentages of adolescents by sex, age group, school size

Number and percentages of adolescents by sex, age group, school size

Download scientific diagram | Number and percentages of adolescents by sex, age group, school size and location, means and SDs within parentheses of total SMFQ scores (N ¼ 5804). from publication: Prevalence, stability, 1-year incidence and predictors of depressive symptoms among Norwegian adolescents in the general population as measured by the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire | Background In numerous surveys the prevalence of depressive symptoms in adolescents has been examined in single sites and at one time point. Aims We examined depressive symptoms among adolescents aged 10-19 years in four different large school samples including two cohorts | Depressive Disorder, Mood and Adolescence | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.

Associations between youth's daily social media use and well-being are mediated by upward comparisons

Jo INGUL, Professor (Associate), Ph.d in Psychology

2. Teens, friendships and online groups

Up to 19% of teens experience dating violence. Psychologists want to break the cycle

Assessing State-Level Variations in High School Students' Sexual and Contraceptive Behavior: The 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys


Youth 15-24 - World Bank Gender Data Portal

correlations (r s ) between the mean total MFQ, total sum and

Jo INGUL, Professor (Associate), Ph.d in Psychology