For central heat, China has a north-south divide at Qin-Huai line

For central heat, China has a north-south divide at Qin-Huai line

Growing up in Mao Tse-tung's hometown of Shaoshan in southern China, Tan Huiyan remembers the wintertime sensation of stepping inside through her front door — and into the cold.
When it comes to government-provided central heating, China is a land of haves and have-nots.

Asia for Educators Columbia University

China Travel: North vs South

Village energy survey reveals missing rural raw coal in northern China: Significance in science and policy - ScienceDirect


Analysis of thermal comfort experience using peak-end rule with air conditioner in heating season - ScienceDirect

Qinling–Huaihe Line - Wikipedia

Northern and southern China - Wikipedia

Land, Free Full-Text

China's north-south divide of haves and have-nots.

ESSD - A fine-resolution soil moisture dataset for China in 2002–2018

China - Mountains, Plateaus, Rivers

Renewable energy and waste heat recovery in district heating

Building China: Why Does Half of China Struggle to Stay Warm Indoors i