Why deforestation means less rain in tropical forests : NPR

Why deforestation means less rain in tropical forests : NPR

A new study finds deforestation reduces rainfall in tropical rainforests, which has grave consequences for agriculture, drought and climate resilience.
A new study finds deforestation reduces rainfall in tropical rainforests, which has grave consequences for agriculture, drought and climate resilience.

Ability of re-grown forest to combat climate change 'vastly overestimated', study suggests - The capacity of re-grown areas of the rainforest to draw carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and combat

Devastating Deforestation Statistics: Impact Of Forest Loss

How does deforestation affect rainfall? Here's a new study

Why deforestation means less rain in tropical forests : NPR

Battling Deforestation In Indonesia, One Firm At A Time

NC mountain trails face stress from cyclists and climate change

Brazil offers to cut deforestation by 40 percent in exchange for $1 billion from U.S.

Devastating Deforestation Statistics: Impact Of Forest Loss

Climate » Nature and Culture International

Why deforestation means less rain in tropical forests : NPR

The is worth $8.2 billion a year if it's left standing, finds a new study in Nature. In many parts of the rainforest, that economic benefit far outweighs the short-term gain

What is a Tropical Rainforest? - Aid