Usando Prettier com VS Code e create-react-app, by juliocarneiro, React Brasil

Usando Prettier com VS Code e create-react-app, by juliocarneiro, React  Brasil

“Prettier é um formatador de código opinativo. Ele impõe um estilo consistente analisando seu código e reimprimindo-o com suas próprias regras que levam em consideração o comprimento máximo da linha..

Style guides Javascript com ESLint, Prettier e EditorConfig

Usando Prettier com VS Code e create-react-app, by juliocarneiro, React Brasil

Create-React-App vs Vite.js

Create React App with ESLint & Prettier in VSCode (2022)


How To Enable Prettier For React JSX In VS CODE

ESLint and Prettier working on Visual Studio Code with create-react-app, by Kumar Saurav 😎, Screens

Integrating Prettier with ESLint for your create-react-app in VSCode, by Frontend Newbie

Setting Prettier on a React Typescript project (2022), by André Borba Netto Assis

Create-react-app with VS Code. ESLint, Prettier, auto-completion…, by Thibaud Ducasse

Integrating Prettier with ESLint for your create-react-app in VSCode, by Frontend Newbie

Using Prettier with VS Code and Create React App, by Rowan 🤖, Technical Credit 💸

ESLint and Prettier working on Visual Studio Code with create-react-app, by Kumar Saurav 😎, Screens