Walmart Brazil

Walmart Brazil

SÃO PAULO, SP - 05.06.2018: WALMART VENDE NEG'CIO NO BRASIL - Walmart, the largest retail group in the world, did not perform the same in Brazil, obtained in other markets. The private

Walmart muda nome no Brasil para Big e fará investimentos de R$ 1,2 bi

Walmart investe R$ 1 bilhão para reformular lojas no Brasil

Walmart Sells the Majority of Brazilian Operation to Advent International

Walmart pagará US$ 282 milhões a autoridades dos EUA para encerrar

About Walmart

Wal-Mart Continues Downsizing In Brazil, Closes Five Stores

Lost in Translation: Wal-Mart Stumbles Hard in Brazil

Walmart Will Cough Up $282 Million To Put Years-Long Bribery