Meet Mee Kitchen Sdn. Bhd.

Meet Mee Kitchen Sdn. Bhd.

Meet Mee - Meet Mee is the most popular internet PanMee Brand. Meet Mee provides customers with high quality, all-natural ingredients without any artificial additives, flavorful taste and texture air-dried noodles. 打造大马板面第一品牌成为方便面食领航者.

Meet Mee has been awarded Excellent Brand of Instant Pan Mee by the most authoritative 5th Lang International Corporate Titan Awards (LICTA)

HALAL】Spicy Dried Shrimp Chilies|Sambal Udang Kering – Meet Mee Kitchen Sdn. Bhd.

Meet Mee - 打造大马板面第一品牌成为方便面食领航者 Become the Top Innovative Leader in Instant Noodle Industry - MyStartr: Crowdfunding in Malaysia

不用搞到满头大汗的去压面粉团,不用开锅炸江鱼,不用熬汤。在家轻轻松松的就把一碗有如妈妈烹煮的清汤传统板面给准备好。, 吃过我们家的板面都知道我们家板面的味道好。我们把精选的江鱼仔磨成粉,配上我们家的调味料,经过热水烹煮,一碗浓浓鲜香的江鱼仔汤就呈现在大家的眼前,确保您可以吃到跟我们店里一样的味道。


MEET MEE, Online Shop

HALAL】Fried Garlic|Bawang Putih Goreng – Meet Mee Kitchen Sdn. Bhd.

Meet Mee Kitchen Sdn. Bhd.

HALAL】Fried Garlic Oil Minyak Bawang Putih Goreng – Meet Mee Kitchen Sdn. Bhd.

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