How Yoga Got Me into Jesus and Jesus Got Me into Yoga - Integral Yoga Magazine

How Yoga Got Me into Jesus and Jesus Got Me into Yoga - Integral Yoga  Magazine

Starting his spiritual journey on the path of Yoga, Bhaktan Eberle grew frustrated with the state of his on-and-off again practice. He came to realize that trying harder was never going to work and took refuge in Jesus, who became Bhaktan’s door to an ever-deepening experience of Isvara, God with form, as well as a […]

Yoga and Lent V: Ten Lenten Commandments

Be Here Now – A Look Back - Integral Yoga Magazine

When God gave Susan Bordenkircher the vision for her yoga-based Christian ministry, Outstretched in Worship, she truly believed she was stepping into

Yoga for Christians: A Christ-Centered Approach to Physical and Spiritual Health through Yoga|eBook

Sadhana Chart: Why Keep One? - Integral Yoga Magazine

Catholicism and Yoga: What Does the Church Say?

The Golden Lid or Hiranmaya Patra Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

prajna – Integral Yoga San Francisco

We gotta talk about Gatekeeping in Yoga⚡️ And how we change it. Indian

SAVITRI AS THE YOGA OF THE EARTH - The University of Tomorrow