Am I Leaking Amniotic Fluid or Just Peeing Myself?

Am I Leaking Amniotic Fluid or Just Peeing Myself?

Yes, it's gross, but damp undies are common in late pregnancy. Here are a few ways to figure out what it is and if you need to go in.
Because pregnancy is just one glamorous surprise after another, there are a few factors that could be causing wetness in your underwear during your third trimester. Most of the time this experience is completely normal and harmless. But if you’re reading this, you may be questioning if what you’re experiencing is urine, discharge or amniotic fluid.   In my experience, it was indeed amniotic fluid, and I barely made it to the hospital in time for delivery. Here's a list of ways to help figure o

Amniotic Fluid Levels In Pregnancy: How Much Is Enough?

What is this??? TMI amniotic fluid or pee???!

39 weeks, leaking and frequent urination

Loss of amniotic fluid

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: What does it mean? - Flo

Leaking Amniotic Fluid: Signs, Causes, and Symptoms

Could this be amniotic fluid leaking? (TMI - Photo)

The action of a self-test for rupture of membranes

Am I leaking amniotic fluid or is this normal? - March 2019 Babies, Forums

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Leaking amniotic fluid: Signs and what to do

How To Recognize Leaking Amniotic Fluid And What To Do?

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