Alaska Sablefish Longline Survey Reports

Alaska Sablefish Longline Survey Reports

The Alaska Sablefish Longline survey was designed to study the relative number and size of commercially important groundfish species such as sablefish, Greenland turbot, and Pacific cod, as well as other groundfish species. The survey also includes other data collection and tagging activities for scientific research. The reports below include survey results since 1999.

Whales find Alaska fishers' catch is easy pickings

NMFS Longline Survey Stations and Observer Sets Sampled 1998-2012. Map

Sablefish tags bring prizes and cash rewards, Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Alaska Black Cod Fishery Sablefish Employment Information

Planned Research Vessel Movements: 2023 Research Season - IARPC Collaborations

Alaska Sablefish Fisheries and Assessment

From the Line to the Table: How Alaskan Black Cod Is Fished

Mortality of incidentally caught and released sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) on longline gear in Alaska

Alaska Sablefish Tagging Program

Stations sampled in 2015 on the Alaska Fisheries Science Center