Engineering and Biology Researchers Collaborate to Aid Coral Reef Restoration - UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering and Biology Researchers Collaborate to Aid Coral Reef  Restoration - UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science

Florida’s threatened coral reefs have a more than $4 billion annual economic impact on the state’s economy, and University of Central Florida researchers are zeroing in on one factor that could be limiting their survival – coral skeleton strength. In a new study published in the journal Coral Reefs, UCF engineering researchers tested how well staghorn…

2005 STATE OF CORAL REEF REPORT.pdf - Mote Marine Laboratory

ReefLink Database, Research

Coral reef restoration is a “moving target,” says CCS scientist – Center for Coastal Solutions

ReefLink Database, Research

MechSE researchers explore new field of coral reef engineering, Mechanical Science & Engineering

The Student Poster Competition at OCEANS 2021 - The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society

Underwater Gardens Boost Coral Diversity to Stave Off 'Biodiversity Meltdown

Ruth Gates Coral Restoration Innovation Grant Projects Over $770,000 Awarded

KAUST doctoral student wins international InnovateFPGA Design Contest for coral medicine project

News - Florida Climate Institute

UCF Engineering and Biology Researchers Collaborate to Aid Coral Reef Restoration

Genetic Research Sparks Hope for Coral Reefs in the Caribbean


Coral Reef Futures

The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society - Research, Development, and Operations pertaining to the Oceans